Rhino Security Labs

Strategic Blog

Local Privilege Escalation in Pritunl VPN Client

David Yesland

The Pritunl VPN Client service is vulnerable to an arbitrary file write as SYSTEM on Windows. This is due to insecure directory permissions on the Pritunl ProgramData folder. The arbitrary file write is then able to be leveraged for full…

The Capital One Breach
& “cloud_breach_s3” CloudGoat Scenario

Escalating AWS IAM Privileges with an
Undocumented CodeStar API

S3 Ransomware Part 2: Prevention and Defense

Spencer Gietzen

This is part two in a two-part series on S3 Ransomware. Part One discusses the attack vector of S3 Ransomware and demonstrates a proof of concept.
Note: This post not only discusses defense mechanisms against S3 ransomware, but it also…